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10 Effective Ayurvedic Tips For Hair Growth

1. Bhringaraj- The king of Herbs:

This herb is also known as king of herbs in ayurvada for hair because it has the properties to enhance hair growth. All you need to do is make a paste out of the leaves and apply it on the scalp for some time before washing it off. Some cities do not have easy access to this herb, thus, you can grab a pack of dried Bhringraj, steep 5-6 tbsps in warm water and apply the paste for 20 minutes before washing off. Doing this on a regular basis promotes hair growth.

2. The Aromatic Jatamansi:

A common name for this herb in ayurvedic medicines for hair growth is Muskroot or the Indian Spikenard. It has the power to remove blood impurities as well give skin a glowing complexion. You can either consume it in the form of capsule (sticking to not more than 6mgs) or applying it directly on the scalp.

3. Usage of miracle herb-Methi:

Methi is a commonly used herb is our households, an excellent remedy for hair growth. Grind some slightly dry roast methi, make a paste it in warm water depending on hair length and keep it on for 20 minutes before washing off.

4. The Indian Goose Berry:

Better known as Amla or Amlaki, it helps in indigestion and purifies the blood. It is also rich in Vitamin C, which solves many hair problems from within. Grab dried /powdered Amla has to be mixed warm water and used on the scalp to promote thick and black hair. It also imparts colour and solves other body related problems.

5. Increasing metabolism to help in hair growth:

Aloe Vera has proven usage in Ayurveda, as it help keep your system clean from within. Ensure that you drink or swallow 2 tbsp of the latex of the leaf to increase your metabolism and also get good bowel movements. Remember, excess amount can lead to diarrhoea.

6. Hot Oil Massage with Ayurveda Oils:

A hot oil massage using either coconut, almond or brahmi oil helps improve circulation, rejuvenates your hair follicles, which leads to better blood circulation to the roots. You can expect good results in the form of less hair fall and quick hair growth within a span of 6 months. However, if you have dandruff problem, mix 2 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice into the pot of half cup of oil and heat it up. Application of this mixture shows beneficial results in quick time.

7. Relieving you of the Pitta Dosha:

Ashwangandha is commonly used in Ayurveda as an anti-oxidant herb to relieve you from Pitta Dosha, which is known to be the root cause of hairfall. A 6 mg capsule of ashwagandha, if consumed daily can make your system clean and toxins free. It is also anti-inflammatory cum a distressing herb.

8. Avoid combing the hair when it is wet, as the hair is said to be more prone for breakage.

9. Sleep is essential for at least 8 hours a day, to promote healthy hair growth.

10. Drinking plenty of water and a good diet is important for a proper functioning of the body, thus leading to proper hair growth.

Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry)

Ashwagandha root is a herb of the ages. It is the 'ginseng' of Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional medicine of India and is considered an 'adaptogen', a term used to describe herbs that improve physical energy and athletic ability, increase immunity to colds and infections and increase sexual capacity and fertility.
One reason for ashwagandha's reputation as a general energy-promoting, disease-preventing tonic may be its effect on the immune system. A number of studies have shown significant increases in white blood cell counts and other measures of strengthened immunity in rodents given ashwagandha or certain chemicals extracted from the herb. Ashwagandha may also have a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system and in animal studies it has been shown to be a muscle relaxant. It is commonly used to increase vitality, particularly when recovering from chronic illnesses and pain management for arthritic conditions. Ashwagandha may also help regulate blood sugar which aids in suppressing sugar cravings. Research shows ashwagandha may be a promising alternative for cancer treatment and prevention. Ashwagandha seems to show positive effects on the endocrine, cardio, and central nervous systems. It is one herb that could help your body produce it's own thyroid hormones.
Ashwagandha is used to restore male libido, cure impotence and increase male fertility. It is widely used in southern Asia as a male sexuality tonic.
Preliminary studies indicate that the herb helps to reduce the negative effects of stress, slow tumour growth, treat anxiety and insomnia, and reduce cholesterol in addition to increasing sexual performance.
Ashwaghanda is generally safe at the doses recommended on the packaging. In high doses it may have steroidal activity similar to Creatine.
Research on ashwagandha has concluded that extracts of the plant has a direct spermatogenic influence on the seminiferous tubules of immature rats presumably by exerting a testosterone-like effect1. It is could also a potential source of hypoglycemic, diuretic and hypocholesterolemic agents2.
Because ashwagandha has traditionally been used to treat various diseases associated with nerve tissue damage related to the destructive molecules known as free radicals, some researchers have speculated that the herb may have antioxidant properties. Free-radical damage plays a role in normal ageing and in such neurological conditions as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Olive leaf Benefits

Olive leaf (Olea europaea) was first used medicinally in Ancient Egypt. It is gaining recognition as a powerful defender against sickness and numerous scientific studies have been conducted to investigate the extract's beneficial properties. The reported benefits of olive leaf extract range from promoting increased energy and healthy blood pressure, to supporting the cardiovascular system and the immune system.

Olives are native to Asia Minor and Syria, but are cultivated in Mediterranean countries and also Chile, Peru and South Australia. Olive leaf was first used medicinally in Ancient Egypt and was a symbol of heavenly power. It was also used to mummify pharaohs. More recent knowledge of the olive leaf's medicinal properties dates back to the early 1800s when pulverised leaves were used in a drink to lower fevers. A few decades later, green olive leaves were used in tea as a treatment for malaria.
Modern health professionals first started using Olive Leaf extract in 1995 when it first became available and although a long-term perspective is not yet possible, initial results are very positive. It is emerging as a very promising and unique herb with multiple applications. It shows considerable therapeutic action against many common conditions. Olive leaf extract is gaining recognition as a powerful defender against sickness, and numerous scientific studies have been conducted to investigate the extract's beneficial properties. The reported benefits of olive leaf extract's range from promoting increased energy and healthy blood pressure, to supporting the cardiovascular system, and the immune system.

From research and clinical experience to date, we can say that supplemental olive leaf may be beneficial in the treatment for conditions caused by, or associated with, a virus, retrovirus, bacterium or protozoan. Among those treatable conditions are: influenza, the common cold, candida infections, meningitis, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), encephalitis, herpes I and II, human herpes virus 6 and 7, shingles (Herpes zoster), HIV/ARC/AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis B, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, dengue, severe diarrhea, and dental, ear, urinary tract and surgical infections.
Many people who live stressful lives or who may be particularly susceptible to colds and viruses may benefit from long-term use of olive leaf as a preventive agent. Some patients have expressed other unexpected benefits of olive leaf, including improved psoriasis, normalisation of heart beat irregularities, diminished cravings, less pain from hemorrhoids, toothaches and chronically achy joints.
In the early 1900s scientists isolated a bitter compound called oleuropein from olive leaf that was thought to give the olive tree its disease resistance.
In 1962 an Italian researcher recorded that Oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals. It dilates the blood vessels so that blood may flow more easily throughout the system. Other European researchers validated that claim and also found it to increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmia and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. In the years to come, a Dutch researcher identified that a primary ingredient in oleuropein inhibited the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. This chemical was elenolic acid. Further European research determined this compound to have strong bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal capabilities. A safety study on calcium elenolate was tested with laboratory animals and published by the Upjohn pharmaceutical company in 1970. The study concluded that even in doses several hundred times higher than recommended; no toxic or other adverse side effects were discovered.
Research suggests that olive leaf may be a true anti-viral compound because it appears to selectively block an entire virus-specific system in the infected host. This appears to offer healing effects not addressed by pharmaceutical antibiotics. Olive leaf's broad killing power includes an ability to interfere with critical amino acid production for viruses; an ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses by preventing virus shredding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane; the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop viral replication.
As an antioxidant, Olive leaf extract protects those blood vessels from damage, and has been shown to be effective in protecting the heart from coronary occlusion. When taken over an extended period of time, it is believed to reverse arteriosclerosis. Olive leaves are astringent and antiseptic. Both the leaves and the bark have valuable febrifugal qualities.

Benefit of Saffron

One of the most costly spices in the world derived from the dried stigma of saffron flower is the saffron spice, also known as Kesar or Kumkumapoo (in India). 

This spice is considered as a golden spice as it can not only be used in cooking to add an aroma to food, turning any dish into an exotic one, it can also be beneficial to a number of health problems. It is used as medicine from ancient times. This spice is special and a precious spice as it has numerous health benefits which can help in the enhancement of one’s overall well being.
Health Benefits of Saffron:
Digestion: Saffron is helpful in the improvement of digestion and appetite, because it helps in improving circulation to the organs of digestion. It coats the membranes of stomach and colon which help in soothing gastrointestinal colic and acidity. Kidney and liver problem: This spice s found to be extremely beneficial for the treatment of kidney, bladder and liver disorders. Saffron is considered as a blood purifier
Gas and acidity:  Saffron is effective for providing relief from gas and acidity related problems.
Athritis: It helps in relieving inflammation of arthritis. Saffron also provides relief from joint pains. It is very helpful for athletes as it eases fatigue and muscle inflammation by helping the tissues to get rid of lactic acid which gets built up after strenuous exercise.
Insomnia: It is said that saffron is also a mild sedative which can be used for insomnia and even treat depression. Taking a pinch of saffron with milk before bed helps in sleep disorders like insomnia.
Fever: Saffron also contains the compound “crocin”, which scientists believe that helps in reducing fever. Crocin found in saffron also promotes learning, memory retention, and recall capacity.
Eye problem: Saffron improves eye and vision health. In a recent research study, every participant who took saffron had vision improvements. Notably, saffron has been reported to significantly helping vision in the instance of cataracts.

Gums: Massaging the gums with saffron helps in reduce soreness and inflammation of the mouth and the tongue.

More Saffron Benefits
Among the multiple health benefits of saffron are the treatment of asthma, menstrual discomfort, atherosclerosis, depression, whooping cough, and many other health problems.
It also helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Saffron can be applied topically as a paste to relieve dryness and other skin conditions. It is useful in general health problem like headache, cough and cold. Pregnant women are advised to take saffron as it is believed that it improves the color of baby.

How to Use Saffron?
Saffron is used to improve taste and smell in many food items . You can use saffron in kheer, above sweets, in dishes like biryani, risotto, paella, fabada or pote gallego etc. You can adda pinch of saffron in your daily glass of milk. Applying milk mixed with saffron on skin refine the skin tone.

How to Choose Saffron?
Saffron is very expensive. There are also many adulterated and fake products being dyed to imitate saffron. To find out whether you have pure saffron or not, immerse a bit of the product in warm water or milk. If the liquid colors immediately, then the saffron is fake. Pure saffron must soak in either warm water or milk for at least 10 to 15 minutes before its deep red-gold color and the saffron aroma begin to develop.
 (Source :

Gathering of Saffron, Spanish Saffron, Buy Saffron in best price 

The Amazing Benefits of Honey

Honey is very rich in various beneficial substances and can be used even for weight loss. For centuries it treated wounds, and also lung, gynecological, skin and heart diseases.

According to some statistics, about 1/3 of the drugs contain honey, bee venom, propolis and beeswax. One drop of honey contain 70 important substances for the human body, such as carbohydrates – glucose and fructose, which unlike regular sugar is easily digested in the body, and also these substances are contributing to the preservation of muscle strength and normal muscles growth. 

Honey For Weight Loss 

This product should be used regularly and can be very helpful to lose weight. It contains enzymes that stimulate the digestive process and boost your metabolism, which contributes to weight reduction. The proteins that contain honey take part in the formation of hormones. Minerals matters regulate the activity of the nervous system and blood production. Regular use of honey strengthens the immune system of the body.

Honey Can Protect Your Eyes Honey can help us to protect the eyes from redness, fatigue and computer radiation. Honey is able to act in the body through the skin. Put linden honey at fingers ends and rub the area with redness for about 5-6 minutes. If honey get soak, repeat the procedure two or three times. If this area of the body constantly absorbs honey, it means that there is no lack of nutrients. If honey is not soaking, prepare yourself a hot bath (35-40 Celsius degrees water) and relax in it for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week – it has a beneficial effect on eyes and improves eyesight.

Honey Masks

In ancient times honey was used to preserve the freshness and beauty of the face skin. Honey masks are also very popular today. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 egg yolk. With brush apply the mixture on your face and let it act for 20 minutes. This mask is very beneficial for people with oily and normal skin. For dry skin is recommended mask that consists equal parts of honey and cream – it’s smooth wrinkles and makes the skin soft and supple. Mixture that consists of 1/4 cup honey and juice of half a lemon will improve the color of the face, will lighten the skin and will make freckles and pigment stains less visible.
Honey For Acne Treatment

Acne can be treated with honey, believe experts from the University of Oklahoma. The fact that honey has unique healing properties is not a secret. One teaspoon of honey reduces pain in the throat, and even can calm nerves. Dr. Sarah Maddox from the University of Oklahoma explains that the nutrients contained in the honey helps against various inflammations of the skin. This refers to acne. The scientists say that honey may be more effective than medical treatment. When we have skin inflammation appears bacteria and honey is able to contribute to stop the formation of microorganisms. Honey nectar contains folic acid, which contributes to the production of antibodies.

Health Benefits of Nimbu (Lemon)


Lemons are believed to have originated in northeastern India, close to the Himalayas, northern Burma and China. These fruits were developed as a hybrid between the lime and the citron and were cultivated in these cold regions for about 2,500 years. Lemon was initially used as an antiseptic and an antidote for various poisons. From here, the fruit travelled to Europe around the 1st century AD, during the ancient Roman era. Only after lemons were introduced to Persia, Iraq and Egypt around 700 AD, did they undergo their first recording in literature. The Arabs spread this citrus fruit throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, between 1000 AD and 1150 AD. In Europe, lemons were first cultivated in Genoa during the mid-15th century. In 1493, on his second voyage to America, Christopher Columbus took lemon seeds along with him to Hispaniola. When the Spanish conquered the New World, lemon seeds began gaining importance in fields of medicine. However in the 18th and 19th centuries, the fruit found their way into cooking and flavouring, especially in Florida and California. Currently, the United States, Italy, Spain, Greece, Israel and Turkey are the major lemon producers.

Health Benefits of Nimbu (Lemon)

  • Lemon is largely used for relieving digestive tract problems such as nausea, heartburn and parasites. It works best when the juice is diluted with hot water. Lemon juice contains properties that help in alleviating indigestion symptoms like heartburn, bloating and belching.
  • Lemon in water is a wonderful remedy for people with heart problems owing to its high potassium content. By controlling increased levels of blood pressure and dizziness, the fruit of the lemon brings relaxation to the mind and body. In addition, it is known to reduce mental stress and depression.
  • Amongst other health benefits, lemonade (lemon pulp mixed in water) boasts of providing a quick solution to weight loss. Diluting lemon juice with lukewarm water and honey is a popular choice.
  • Lemon juice finds a place for itself in dental care as well. Applying fresh lemon juice on the areas of toothache provides relief. Massaging it on the gums stops bleeding and removes bad odour.
  • The juice from lemon acts as a cooling agent and is thus used to reduce any burning sensations on the skin. Besides, it speeds up the process of fading scars. Any hardened surface on the skin can be dissolved or softened by applying the liquid on it.
  • Respiratory and breathing problems are also cured with lemon juice. Being a rich source of vitamin C, it helps in dealing with asthma.
  • Due to its aromatic and antibacterial properties, lemon juice is extremely useful for foot relaxation.
  • It is an excellent fruit for fighting throat infections and tonsillitis owing to its healing nature.
  • Being a natural antiseptic, lemons are proven to eliminate skin problems such as wrinkles and blackheads, thereby rejuvenating the skin and enhancing the glow on the skin. Daily consumption of lemon water acts as an anti-ageing remedy.
  • Lemon juice has the natural ability to stop any kind of internal bleeding. People suffering from frequent nasal bleeding can apply lemon juice on a cotton swab to minimize blood flow.
  • Lemon is also recommended to patients with a high amount of uric acid, urinary tract infections and other kidney related ailments due to their diuretic property.

    (Source : 

Mint Leaves and health benefits

Benefits of Mint :
For Anaemia and low blood pressure : Foe people suffering from anaemia, white spots on skin, low B.P, extract juice from fresh mint leaves and take 3-4 table spoons of this juice, twice a day before breakfast and dinner.
This produces fresh blood and cures anaemia and low b.p
Fainting, Headaches, Migraines : If a person is weak and faints frequently, then make paste of mint leaves and wrap them in a thin silk or cotton cloth.
Make them inhale the strong mint smell through this wrapped cloth.
This should be done thrice a day, five minutes each time.
It will cure frequent fainting and also clear headaches, migraines etc.
Stomach aches and indigestion : Collect 30 fresh mint leaves, 3 black peppers, half table spoon of black salt, 1/4th tablespoon of fried cardamom (elaichi) seeds powder, 2 gms of tamarind paste (without seeds).
Mix all these ingredients in a glass of water and cosume it thrice a day.
This will clear all stomach and intestines related problems.
Earache : Collect 5 gms of white layer subtstance found of leaves of Gigantic Swallow Wort (Madaar in Hindi, Jilledu in Telugu, Arka in Sanskrit, Vellai Erukku in Tamil) and mix it with 25 ml of mint leaves juice.
Use them like ear drops (4 drops twice a day) and it will kill all germs in ear and give relief from earache.
Fear of Abortion : If women have fear of abortion during pregnancy due to weakness or past experiences, they can use this method.
Collect fresh mint leaves and dry them under shade.
Make their fine powder and store in a glass bottle.
Everyday 2 gms of this powder (thrice a day) through nostrils and it will protect your embryo.
Low menstrual bleeding : Women who have this problem can make fresh mint juice (6 table spoons) twice a day and have it with or without sugar(choice for taste).
This will regulate menstrual bleeding.
Bleeding mouth or nose : Due to excess heat in body, few persons bleed through nose or gums.
They should have fresh mint leaves juice (100 ml) mixed with with candy sugar.
Depending on intensity of their problem, they can have this juice 2 or 3 times per day.
(Source :|)

Coriander Leaves ( Dhania )

Health Benefits of Coriander
Coriander belongs to the apiaceous family, popularly known as the carrot family. This family comprises many other notable and good-for-health plants like celery, parsley, cumin, parsnip and of course carrot. Unlike the members of its family, coriander can be grown round the year and this makes the herb widely used all over the world. Its aroma and unique taste has led coriander to attain an important position in culinary usage. And considering the loads of medicinal properties offered by this herb, you would agree that coriander is nothing short of a wonder food. So, let’s look into some of the health benefits of coriander.
Although all parts of this plant are edible, coriander leaves and coriander seeds are used most prominently. The leaves, also known as cilantro, and the seeds have no resemblance to each other in flavor or taste but both pack in abundant health benefits. Citrus taste, strong smell and intense flavor have made coriander leaves a must in garnishing curries and salads.
Health Benefits of Coriander – Aids Digestion
Coriander leaves help in digestion and prevents flatulence when taken with hot water. They also aid proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach and prevent anorexia. Coriander leaves are a good source of roughage and fiber too, thus relieving gastrointestinal problems.
Coriander – Great source of Minerals and Vitamins
Coriander is a great source of essential minerals and vitamins. Being rich in iron, coriander helps people with lower hemoglobin level and cures anemia. Magnesium,  found in coriander, helps in proper functioning of nervous system and strengthens the bones. Coriander juice is known to be a good source of vitamins A, B and C.
Coriander Benefits – Acts as Anti-oxidant
Coriander contains anti-oxidants which promote a healthy body. Anti-oxidants are molecules which constrain oxidation of other molecules in the body. They help in prevention of heart related risks. Anti-oxidants have also been found helpful in preventing neural diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
Health Benefits of Coriander for Obese andDiabetics
Coriander has been found to work wonders for obese and diabetic people. It helps in the reduction of fats and thus aids weight loss. When eaten fresh and raw, coriander tremendously reduces sugar level. Raw chewing of coriander leaves also help people suffering from bronchitis and asthma.
Benefits of Coriander for Skin
Coriander is effective in relieving dermatological conditions. When mixed with turmeric powder or paste, coriander reduces acne and provides protection from eczema, dryness and fungal infections. Researches have shown that coriander leaves have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which improves skin health and helps fight diseases like conjunctivitis.
Traditionally, coriander leaves taken with water have been found effective in reducing excessive heat from the body. They are also used for chelation treatment, i.e. removal of heavy metals as mercury, aluminum and lead from the body.
Health Benefits of Coriander Seeds
Dried and roasted coriander seeds act as a spice. They are a great source of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol from the body due to the presence of linoleic acid, ascorbic acid, steric acid and palmitic acid. Coriander seeds also support proper secretion of hormones and prevent menstrual disorder. For best results, coriander seeds must be soaked overnight in water and then consumed. The oil extracted from coriander acts as an excellent antiseptic and thus it is very helpful in curing mouth ulcers.
Other Health Benefits of Coriander
o    Coriander is effective in fighting cold.
o    Coriander is a strong provider of Vitamin K and a good source of potassium and calcium.
o    Coriander prevents involuntary contraction of muscles.

o    Coriander aids in proper functioning of liver and helps prevent cancer and epileptic seizures.

(Source : )

Benefits of Aloevera

Aloe Vera plant is considered to be a miracle for health due to numerous Aloe vera juice and gel benefits. Here is a list of 25 Aloe vera health benefits and uses that might teach you how to use Aloe vera properly:

Numerous Aloe vera benefits have made the aloe vera plant popular all around the world. From last many years Aloe Vera plant is being used for the treatment of different kind of illness and diseases.

Aloe vera plant is a non-toxin, succulent plant which store water in their fleshy leaves and its succulence allow this juicy plant to survive in areas of low natural rainfall. There are many Aloevera benefits from health to nutrition, from acne treatment to skin care. Aloe vera plant is widely grown as an ornamental plant; however it is equally popular as medicinal plant due to several Aloevera uses.

 Aloevera benefits for skin care:
* Aloe vera plant relives the burned skin caused by sunburn. Try this Aloevera benefit to treat sunburn naturally at home.

* Smooth and glowing skin can be achieved with the help of Aloe vera plant. Take advantage of this Aloevera benefit by just rubbing the aloevera gel on your face.

* Aloe vera plants are also helpful in curing blisters, insect bites and any allergic reactions, eczema, burns, inflammations, wounds, psoriasis. This Aloevera benefit is a boon for people who have sensitive skin.

* Try this Aloevera benefit, if you have dry skin. You can get normal, smooth and shiny skin with the oil extract of Aloevera plant.

* Healing properties of Aloevera plant make it so beneficial for skin care. It helps in restoring skin's natural beauty; this is one of the most important benefits of Aloevera.

* Aloevera plant is an outstanding skin moisturizer. It provides oxygen to the cells which strengthen the skin tissues and helps to keep the skin healthy.

* Aloe vera plant is a lively ingredient in a number of different skin care products that facilitates to treat a wide variety of different problems of skin.

Aloe vera benefits for acne

Aloe vera plant gel is a lively ingredient in a number of different skin care products that facilitates to treat a wide variety of different problems of skin. Home remedies for Acne !

* Aloe vera plant has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in treating acne and pimples. Acne is a skin state in which the sebaceous glands and hair follicles become more active and inflamed and hence produce pimples.

* One should use Aloe vera skin care products consistently to treat acne. Aloevera benefits are utilized mainly to advance the appearance of the skin and can effectively treat acne.

* Aloe vera plant helps to cure acne by healing the scars and redness associated with acne.

* Aloe vera juice can be applied directly to the skin through gels, creams and lotions to cure acne.

Aloevera Benefits of juice

 * Drinking Aloe Vera Juice of Aloevera plant on a regular basis replenishes your body naturally with essential amino acids present in Aloevera plant.

* Aloe vera plant includes twelve natural substances that reduce inflammation without any side effects. Aloe vera plants anti-inflammatory benefits include joint and muscle mobility. This is great Aloe vera benefit.

* Aloe vera plant has vitamins including: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Drinking a daily dose of Aloe Vera Juicecan enhance body defense system against any kind of oxidative stress.

* Minerals found in Aloe vera plant juice are copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese. One can have a daily dose of minerals just by drinking aloe vera plant juice.

* Aloe Vera plant juice when taken regularly supports digestion by naturally cleaning digestive system. This is a great Aloe Vera benefit for those who suffer from constipation.
* Aloe Vera benefits us with a feeling of well-being, imparting energy and helping to build ahealthy body weight.

* Aloevera plant with its immune enhancers supports immune system.

* The oral uses of Aloe Vera plant juice are numerous. Aloe vera benefits in relieving heartburn, arthritis, lower blood sugar levels.

* Aloevera juice helps in strengthens gums and promotes strong and healthy teeth.

* Aloe vera plant juice is a wonderful tonic for the female reproductive system. Aloe vera benefitsa woman by rejuvenating her uterus.

* Aloe vera plant gel is useful for healthy hair. Healthy hair is one of the most important Aloe vera benefits. Aloe vera gel can be used to treat dandruff as well as lice. There are several aloe vera shampoos available in the market in self care products range.

* Aloe vera plant juice is also helpful for respiratory disorders. Aloe vera can Those who get frequently attacked by cold, flues, bronchitis, herpes, stuffy noses, and other respiratory disorders, this is a good news for them.

* Aloe vera plant has been found to be favorable in the treatment of diabetes; it lowers glucose levels in the blood.

* Aloe vera plant contains laxative properties, which is effective in relieving digestive tract problems, like stomach aches and heartburn.

Aloe vera plant is considered to be a miracle plant because of its too many curative and healinghealth benefits. Today scientists are even also looking aloevera juice capability in curing cancer and AIDS.
(Source :

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