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Jatamansi – Ayurveda’s Nervine Tonic

It has roots that resemble the matted hair of a Himalayan sage- and an intoxicating aroma. Its botanical name is Nardostachys jatamansi- but it is commonly known as Jatamansi. The name comes from its appearance- ‘jata’ means dreadlocks and ‘mansi’ means human. This plant, which is also called the spikenard, nard, nardin, and muskroot, has pink bell shaped flowers. It is an endangered medical herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. Ayurveda describes Jatamansi as a combination of three tastes- bitter, astringent and sweet. Its chemical composition consists of a volatile oil and two alkaloids, besides an acid which is known as jatamansic acid.

Jatamansi is the most effective herb for putting an end to Vata imbalance. Vata is one of the three life forces or doshas- the other two are Pitta and Kapha. Ayurveda teaches us that it is these doshas that determine the constitution and health of an individual. They are balanced in a unique proportion in each of us, and any imbalance causes ill health. Vata dosha is responsible for all mental functioning and emotions.
Jatamansi- Many Uses

The seeds and fruits of the Jatamansi are the parts used for herbal remedies. In Kerala, a state in South India considered by many to be the home of Ayurveda, Jatamansi in root, oil and powder form has been used for hundreds of years by its traditional families of Ayurvedic physicians, as a nervine tonic and memory enhancer. It is also used to treat neurological disorders like epilepsy, hysteria, syncope, convulsions, and mental weakness. Due to its sedative action Jatamansi is very effective in chronic anxiety, depression, insomnia, migraine and tension headaches. Today, it is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
Oil of Jatamansi is used to treat palpitations of the heart as the herb possesses anti-arrhythmic properties. It helps in maintaining the circulatory system and in purifying the blood too. Jatamansi is very effective in treating respiratory problems. It relieves the phlegm in cough and is also used in cases of asthma. This herb is a strong antioxidant, a coolant, an anti-inflammatory agent and a diuretic. It is especially helpful in treating urine related problems, including kidney stones and renal colic as well as in treating fever, especially in combination with other herbs.
Ayurvedic physicians prescribe Jatamansi as an aphrodisiac. In the menopausal syndrome it is used in combination with other nervine tonics and also as an emmenagogue, for it promotes menstruation and has a cleansing effect on the uterus. At the same time, decoctions made from this herb are useful in hepatitis and in treating enlargement of the liver, as well as for problems with the digestive tract, including lack of appetite, poor digestion, flatulence and constipation.
Jatamansi is an antiseptic. The decoction of the root is applied on the affected areas in skin problems, burns, wounds, rashes, eczema, and allergies, and in skin infections caused by streptococcus bacteria known as erysipelas. In cases of severe headaches due to hypertension or migraine, you can take the herb twice a day for 2 weeks. The oil of the herb can be used to massage the head. The oil is obtained from the root of the herb, and is called Nard oil. It is used in the making of perfumes, incense, cosmetics and deodorants. So whether it is to combat stress or to relieve insomnia, to treat coughs or fever, or to get relief from respiratory, urinary, digestive, or skin problems, let the root that resembles the matted locks of a sage restore the balance of your life forces and restore you to good health.

Home Remedies for Degenerative Diseases

Degenerative diseases are some of the most debilitating and painful parts of life. Basically, it is a disease characterized by a gradual worsening of a condition, including increased tissue damage, organ malfunction, and general poor health. This can be caused by normal wear and tear on the body, lifestyle habits, exercise, or eating problems that exacerbate an underlying condition. These degenerative diseases can be cured through traditional medicines, but many of the diseases also have no established cure, so home remedies are often the best option for taking care of these conditions.

Some of the most common degenerative diseases are cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, atherosclerosis, diabetes, Osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Many of these are terrible afflictions that affect millions of people around the world. Without proper medical care or coverage, they can severely impact the quality of life of those affected, and many of these diseases are inevitably fatal. The best way to reduce the associated symptoms and even keep the degeneration at bay is to use home remedies. Some of the most popular and successful home remedies for the conditions listed above are explained below.

Home Remedies for Degenerative Diseases

Alzheimer’s Disease: Some of the most common solutions for Alzheimer’s disease are ginkgo biloba extract, valerian root, a well-balance diet, folate, vitamin B12, balm, sage, vitamin E, and garlic extract are all known to decrease the impact of Alzheimer’s disease, or dementia. Furthermore, avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, processed foods, and metal pollutants like mercury can also slow down cognitive decline. Stimulating the brain with things like crossword puzzles, memory games, and learning new subjects can also build new neural pathways and delay the forgetfulness associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Parkinson’s Disease: Parkinson’s disease can keep a person from living a normal life due to the general inability to control muscular activity, so it is often classified as a movement disorder. Some home remedies to slow down the degenerative effects of Parkinson’s disease are eating a healthy diet including fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, non-dairy products, fish and poultry, including exercising and physical therapy, working with a speech pathologist, handling depression in constructive ways, visualization processes to continue walking normally, reducing hand tremors by strengthening the muscles in your hands and forearms.
Cancer: The home remedies for cancer include consumption of broccoli, grapes, ginseng, myrrh, green tea, aloe vera, lycopene, maitake mushroom, soybeans, and wheat grass in ether direct or indirect forms. Any foods that are rich in antioxidants are also very important for treating cancer from home, because they are rich in antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can cause cancer by causing normal cellular DNA to mutate, resulting in cancerous cells.
Multiple Sclerosis: Some of the home remedies for multiple sclerosis include reducing animal protein intake, eliminate dairy products, eat organic foods, ginger, turmeric, soy, extra-virgin olive oil, fish, walnuts, flax, hempseed, and wheat products. In terms of behavior, light to moderate exercise is a good idea, as well as visualization and meditation.
Muscular Dystrophy: This is another terribly degenerative disease that many people suffer from; some of the home remedies include staying away from coffee, tobacco, alcohol, and carbonated soda. Also, you should consume reishi mushrooms, rhodiola, cramp bark, causticum, Lathyrus, and Plumbum Met.
Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is a condition where cholesterol and plaque builds up on the inside of your blood vessels and arteries, and it can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Besides reducing your overall omega-6 fatty acid intake (LDL cholesterol), you should eat more fruits and vegetables, use warm water enemas, and eat seeds, nuts, grains, and sprouts. Use olive oil and flax seed oil, while avoiding saturated fats, white flour, sugar, tobacco, coffee, salt, processed foods, sauces, and pickles. Consume garlic and onions, lemon peels, parsley, and beet juice, as well as anything that has a high vitamin C content.
Diabetes: Diabetes is the body’s inability to manage its insulin and glucose levels within the body, which can be very dangerous. Some home remedies for diabetes include consuming a diet rich in fiber, as well as bilberry, apples, apricots, beets, berries, carrots, citrus fruits, parsnips, cactus juice, basil leaves, and winter squash.
Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is the degenerative disease that gradually erodes bone mineral density, leaving people weak and unable to function properly in their normal activities. The home remedies for this disease includes increasing your intake of minerals in your diet, like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese. Foods include black cohosh, red clover, spinach, collard greens, milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, salmon, and sardines. Also, quit smoking, exercise regularly, and try to reduce intense physical activity that causes repetitive impacts on your joints and bones.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease which is mainly an inflammation of joints, bones, and other connecting points in the body. They can have associated pain as well, so any anti-inflammatory nutritional elements are ideal. Some of these home remedies include silicon, leafy vegetables, vitamin C-laden foods, and regular exercise to get blood flowing to the affected areas. Avoid things like eggs, pepper, and tomatoes, which have been known to make the condition worse.

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Ayurveda’s Beauty Tips

smooth complexion Ayurvedic Beauty Tips
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of health and longevity, teaches us that true beauty can be achieved when you undertake your daily health and hygiene routines with the knowledge that you are a unique manifestation of Life’s vital energy. In Kerala, a state in South west India, Ayurveda has been a way of life for almost 5000 years, and the legendary families of Ayurvedic physicians from this tropical paradise offer you a regimen designed especially to support the health of your feet, eyes, hair and face. In addition they also teach you simple ways by which you can ensure that you glow from head to toe.

Ayurveda for Your Feet and Eyes

The ancient Ayurvedic text, the Ashtanga Hridaya, identifies four major nerves in the feet that connect to the eyes. Therefore, a foot massage is an ideal way not only to relax but also to relieve eye strain. The first step is to fill a foot tub with cool water and mix in a tablespoon of honey and a handful each of dried lavender and fresh rose petals. This footbath is excellent to soothe the mind. Or you can fill a foot tub with lukewarm water and add 1 teaspoon of ginger powder. This will invigorate the body and increase circulation. For tired and swollen feet, fill a foot tub with very warm water and add 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt for 5 litres of water. Once you have decided on the foot bath that you need, submerge your feet, relax for 10 minutes, then remove your feet and pat them dry. Next, give yourself a foot massage, using sesame, olive, or coconut oil. Apply the oil generously throughout your massage. Finally, rinse your feet with warm water, dry thoroughly, and slip them into clean cotton socks, Well-massaged feet connect more completely with the earth when you stand or sit with your feet on the ground, giving your whole being a more stable and relaxed foundation- and well oiled feet are protected from cracking and peeling, thus reducing the chances for fungal and bacterial infections.

Bathing the eye makes your eyes sparkle and can also help rejuvenate tiny muscles that have been taxed by hours of computer use or driving. The Ayurvedic herbal powder, Triphala is excellent for bathing your eyes. It is made up of the amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki fruits and is a blood purifier as well as a whole-body rejuvenator. Triphala also has properties that support the ophthalmic nerves and eye muscles. Prepare the Triphala infusion by boiling 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder in 1 cup of water for about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool completely, strain thoroughly, and using a cupped palm, bathe each open eye with cool Triphala water 3 times. Rinse the face with pure water, and pat dry. Next, close your eyes and cover them with rose petals, cucumber slices, or cilantro leaves. Place a cotton pad over each eye and tie a band of muslin cotton or a bandana around the eyes to create a loose blindfold. Finally after 10 minutes, remove the blindfold and apply a the dark eyeliner known as kajal that has been prepared according to Ayurvedic formulations. Kajal reduces glare in bright light, sharpens the vision, and encourages the growth and darkness of eyelashes

Ayurveda for your Hair and Face

For thousands of years, Indian women- especially those from Kerala, have kept their tresses lovely with sumptuous scalp oils made from coconuts, herbs, flowers, and spices You can use plain coconut or sesame oil that has been enriched with Ayurvedic botanicals like brahmi and bhringraj, You should massage the warm oil into your scalp, working downward and outward with your fingertips from the crown of your head. These herbal oils promote thick, lustrous, healthy hair and also ward off colds and flu. They relieve headaches, keep you cool in hot weather, and repair frayed nerves too. To finish, shampoo with a mild, cleanser, towel gently and then let your hair finish drying naturally.

For a glowing complexion, give yourself a wonderfully uncomplicated flaxseed facial. Grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder, or buy a pre-ground meal. The concentrated essential fatty acids in flaxseed moisturize and protect the skin while the texture of the hulls stimulates circulation; cleans away dirt, sweat, and excess oils- and sloughs away dead skin cells. To increase the healing benefits complete your facial with a nourishing turmeric-yogurt mask made with 2 tablespoons plain yogurt mixed with 1/3 teaspoon honey and a pinch of turmeric powder. Rinse with cool water and pat dry with clean hands to seal in the good effects of your facial into your skin. So, be as healthy and beautiful as you were meant to be- Ayurveda can make it happen!

Papaya – Ayurveda’s Medicinal Wonder

A slice of ripe Papaya for breakfast is a great way to start your day, for this fruit is literally bursting with healing and rejuvenating enzymes. Ayurveda, the world’s oldest system of medicine, with its roots in India, has recognized the unique qualities of Papaya and used it for many of its treatment protocols and herbal remedies. In Kerala, the tropical paradise in South India, the Papaya tree is a familiar sight, and the traditional families of Ayurvedic physicians for which this state is famed, all use this wonder fruit in   many of their preparations and concoctions.

The Papaya is a versatile fruit.   It is orange-yellow when ripe and used in jellies, preserves, and fruit juices. The green, unripe fruit is used in curries and salads as well as to tenderize meat, while the leaves and root of the plant are also used in a variety of dishes. In addition, the bark is used for rope making and the leaves can be used as a soap substitute and are excellent stain removers as well.

Unique Goodness

Papaya contains several unique protein-digesting proteolytic enzymes including papain and chymopapain. Proteolytic enzymes protect you by digesting and destroying the defense shields of viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts, and various forms of fungus. Once the shield is destroyed, tumors and invading organisms are extremely vulnerable and are easily taken care of by the body’s own immune system.

Ayurveda recommends the use of the Papaya to balance  Vatta and Pitta- two of the three life energies- the third being Kapha-  which according  to Ayurveda  determine a person’s constitution. Only when the three energies are perfectly balanced in a proportion unique to every individual, will he or she enjoy good health.

Ayurvedic physicians use Papaya used for treating digestive problems and intestinal worms. It is a remedy for flatulence, liver disorders and infection of the pancreas, as well as for gastro-intestinal problems and enzyme deficiencies.. Ayurvedic medicines for arthritis use Papaya too .Fresh cuts or wounds are treated with applying the juice of a fresh fruit. The dried latex collected from unripe papaya fruits are used in the preparation of some Ayurvedic medicines that are effective in the treatment of warts, moles, eczema, and skin allergies. Apart from the fruits, the roots and leaves of this tree also have medicinal properties.

Papaya Home Remedies

To get rid of intestinal worms mix papaya latex with castor oil and take this mixture in the early mornings. For adults the quantity advised is 60 drops of the milk mixed with 30 drops of castor oil. In case of children,  oral administration of 15 drops of castor oil mixed with 15 drops of the latex is suggested. This time tested remedy for intestinal worms is very effective and has no adverse side effects. The latex from the unripe fruit is also excellent for the rapid cure of stubborn ulcers in mouth, tongue, and throat.  To treat skin diseases, especially scabies and scalp eczema, papaya latex is mixed with alum powder and the paste is applied on the affected areas. The area is then cleaned with warm water after an hour .One simple way to lose weight is by consuming unripe papaya fruits both raw and cooked.

Pregnant women should keep away from both unripe and ripe papaya fruit in the early stages of their pregnancy. These fruits have a tendency to abort the formation of the fetus. For the rest,   inclusion of Papaya in your daily diet is the Ayurvedic  way to keep the Doctor away! any product in online with best price. 

Health Benefits of Blackberry

Blackberry: Nutritional facts

Blackberries are tasty and nutrient dense fruit which stores a fine range of nourishing components. Vitamins provided by blackberries include vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). Mineral wealth of blackberries include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and zinc. Blackberries are also a good source of amino acids and essential dietary fiber without offering any harmful cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Blackberry

Benefits of blackberry which provides respite in various health conditions have been discussed as under:

Antioxidant potential: Blackberries contain a profuse amount of powerful antioxidant which protects the body in multiple ways. Components such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and flavonols particularly anthocyanosides present in blackberries work against the harmful oxygen free molecules and counteract their action. This protective radical scavenging activity protects the body from a range of diseases caused as consequence of oxidative damage which may be the underlying cause of many fatal conditions.

Anti-cancer properties: Blackberry fruit is effective against the development of cancer including lung cancer, colon cancer and esophageal cancer. The micronutrients present in blackberries exert chemopreventive effect and prevents the proliferation of malignant cells. Various scientific research conducted on blackberries have advocated this fact and have attributed the anti-cancer activity to the abundance of anthocyanins and other phytochemicals such as ellagic acid and cyaniding-3-glucoside which inhibits tumor growth and metastasis.

Defense against endothelial dysfunction: Blackberries provides protection against the endothelial dysfunction which is characterized by the abnormal functioning of inner lining of blood vessels. As suggested by scientific studies, it contains useful components such as cyaniding-3-O-glucoside which fights the oxidative activity and helps in the normalizing multiple critical factors implicated in such conditions. It helps in reducing the DNA damage and guards against vascular failure.

Cognitive benefits: Blackberry also extends its beneficial effect in improving the cognitive functions of the body. Research studies have suggested that polyphenolic components present in blackberries help retard the age-related decline in motor and cognitive activity attributing to their super antioxidant power. Regular consumption of blackberry may prove useful in enhancing the memory performance and improves behavioral and neuronal functions.

Improved digestive health: Blackberries are a source of both insoluble and soluble fiber essential for the optimum functioning of digestive system. Insoluble fiber in blackberries encourages easy and better absorption of water in the large intestine and adds bulk to the stools. This aids in regular bowel movements, freedom from constipation and apt digestive health.

Healthy heart: Richness of flavonols such as anthocyanins in blackberries makes it a heart friendly fruit. Other useful components such as magnesium and fiber content present in blackberries prevent the arteries from getting blocked and stimulates smooth blow of blood. This reduces the risk of various heart diseases such as stroke, atherosclerosis and maintains cardiovascular health. Magnesium content in blackberries also helps in regulating the blood pressure and prevents cardiac arrhythmia and irregular contraction.

Immunity booster: Blackberries help in improving the immune system of the body attributing to the presence of phytoestrogens, vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of blackberries helps fight various pathogens and protects from body from infections and other fatal illnesses.

Aids in weight management: Owing to very low amounts of sugar, blackberries assist in healthy weight management. Effective cleaning of the bowels owing to the fiber content in blackberries and very few amounts of calories makes it an excellent snack during the weight loss attempts.

Healthy bones: Blackberry contains vital minerals such as magnesium and calcium which are essential for maintain healthy bones. Calcium strengthens the bones and magnesium content in the blackberries facilitates the absorption of calcium and potassium in the body. In addition to this, phosphorus mineral present in blackberries aids in regulation of calcium and assists in building strong bones and contributes in proper cellular functioning.

Skin care: Blackberry can serve you as a delicious aid in maintaining beautiful skin. It is packed with multiple skin friendly nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E and other potent antioxidants. Vitamin E present in blackberry helps in maintaining the health of skin fats and prevents the skin from wrinkles. Apart from protecting the skin from oxidative damage, vitamin C present in blackberry is also responsible for the formation and strengthening of collagen structure which is the basis of connective tissue and aids in keeping the skin toned and tightened.

Healthy eyes: Blackberry is useful for maintaining healthy eyes. Regular consumption of blackberries helps in protecting the eyes from ultra-violet radiations attributing to the presence of lutein. Lutein forms protective pigment in the area behind the retina, also known as macula and prevents it from the damage caused by oxidative stress and high wavelength light radiations. Furthermore, anthocyanosides and vitamin content present in blackberries enhances the vision and protect the eyes from various diseases such as macular degeneration, cataract and night blindness.

Normal blood clotting: Blackberries contains good amount of vitamin K which helps in normal clotting of blood. It helps in preventing excessive bleeding from even slight injuries and aids in healing wounds. Vitamin K present in blackberries is also essential for protein modification and plays an important role in protecting bones from osteoporosis.

Useful in pregnancy: Blackberry may prove helpful for pregnant women. As a source of natural folate, blackberry contributes in optimum growth of the cells and tissues and helps reduce the risk of birth defects in the babies. Folate is anyway a critical nutrient required for better cellular functioning for all age groups. Vitamin C and other antioxidants help boost the disease fighting power of the expectant mother and presence of essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorous in blackberry strengthens the bones and contribute in keeping her healthy. Besides it has a refreshing taste which makes it a healthy option for a quick snack during pregnancy.

Culinary usage: Blackberry can be added to fresh fruit salads, baked goods such as tarts, cakes and pies or to prepare jellies or preserves. They can also be combined with other fruits to prepare fruit salsa which can be served with crisps and chips. Blackberry serves as a delicious topping over various desserts including ice creams. Blackberries are also used in the preparation of wines and are available in canned and dried form as well.

Usage of blackberry leaves: Leaves of blackberry plant have been found effective in curing diarrhea and dysentery since the earlier times and also have been a topic of interest for modern research. This attributes to the abundance of astringent tannins in the herb which helps control such conditions in the digestive tract. Another benefit of astringent tannins in blackberry leaves is their healing effecting on the wounds. External application of tincture or infusion made from blackberry leaves helps in the constriction of blood vessels and cure small injuries. The astringent qualities of blackberry leaf may also prove useful in soothing sore throat and treating hemorrhoids.

Blackberry: Tips to select and store

Pick up fresh aromatic blackberries devoid of any mushiness. Generally, the perfectly ripe blackberries which are ready to eat, have deep black color while the ones that are not fully ripen may have dark red or purple color. When buying blackberries packaged in a box, look for any visible stickiness between the blackberries. Blackberries sticking to one another on inclining the container may indicate budding spoilage. Blackberries perish quickly and should ideally be consumed within 3-4 days. They may be kept in a shallow vessel without making multiple layers or placing them on one another and refrigerated to avoid decay by covering the container with a loose plastic wrap. For further later usage, blackberries may be frozen by arranging them in baking tray with a rim again in solo layer. Once the blackberries are frozen, they made be shifted into a zipper freezer bag, sealed and again put back into the freezer. As these frozen berries may become soggy when defrosted, they may be apt only for cooking purposes.

Blackberry: word of caution

If you are not allergic to berries then, blackberries are the fruit for you and are safe for general consumption. However, some evidences have shown that the presence of tannins in blackberry may contribute in the development of tumors, if consumed in high concentrations. The good news is that blackberry fruit have very small quantities of tannins which have not shown any such detrimental effects.

Black tea leaf: Extra caution is advised regarding the intake of blackberry leaf tea or decoction. Consumption of large quantities of blackberry leaf tea elevates the amount of tannins in the body tremendously and may cause serious stomach complications such as nausea and vomiting. Experts generally recommend the usage of milk in the preparation of blackberry leaf tea to neutralize the effect of tannins. People already suffering from cancer or have previous history of such diseases should avoid the usage of tea made from blackberry leaf.

Blackberry root: Blackberry root is also a profuse source of tannins and is not recommended for individuals suffering from chronic gastrointestinal problems such as colitis.

Pregnancy and children: Pregnant and lactating mothers may eat blackberry fruit in normal amounts but should avoid the usage of blackberry leaf tea. Small children under 24 months should not be given blackberry leaf tea. For older children and very old people with age more than 65 years, medical advice is recommended to prescribe the correct dose of the blackberry leaf tea.

Blackberry leaf may result in allergic reactions ranging to mild to severe, so an opinion from a medical expert is always recommended to discuss an individual’s existing symptoms, correct dosage and potential risks before considering blackberry leaf tea for therapeutic purposes to avoid any fatal conditions. In case you notice any allergic reactions post the consumption of blackberry or blackberry leaf tea, consult a health care professional immediately.

Blackberry: Summary

Blackberry is a multipurpose plant with its usage varying from food to major medicinal benefits. It is even used as a natural dye and food colorant owing to the presence of anthocyanins which also gives the color to the blackberries. Traditional usage of blackberries; its roots, stems and leaves for therapeutic purposes and its unique and refreshing taste have been drawing a great deal of attention from the consumers and medical researchers for further investigations. So, don’t forget to pick up some blackberries to accentuate the taste and health factor of the next pie you are going to bake or the regular fruit salad you eat every day.

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Health Benefits of Clementines

Healthy skin: Clementines are really good for skin owing to the presence of significant amount of vitamin C. Scientific studies have validated the role of Vitamin C in the synthesis of collagen, a structural component vital for the maintenance of healthy skin. Antioxidant properties of vitamin C present in clementines helps in protecting the skin against the damage induced by UV radiations and helps in revitalizing the aging skin. Furthermore, it aids in reducing the formation of wrinkles, supports in repairing the damaged skin and assists in keeping the skin healthy and youthful.

Good for brain: As a source of natural folate, eating a few clementines regularly may prove helpful in the normal functioning of brain and support in reducing stress and depression. Folate content present in clementines may even prove valuable during pregnancy especially for the unborn babies by protecting them against the neural tube defects.

Immune booster: Consumption of citrus fruits such as clementines helps in enhancing the disease fighting ability of the body and strengthens the immunity. Strong immune system aids in preventing the occurrence of a range of infections and helps reducing the severity of fatal diseases. This attributes to the abundance of vitamin C and other phytonutrients in clementines which provides antioxidative protection against the damaging action of the oxygen free radicals produced during energy metabolism.

Strong bones and muscles: Eating juicy clementines may also contribute in keeping your bones strong and healthy attributing to the presence of the calcium and phosphorous content. These minerals are important for all age groups and also play an important role in the muscle contraction.

Digestive health: Clementines are a good source of fiber which adds bulk to your stool and facilitates better digestion and keeps constipation at bay. Fiber content present in clementine also aids in better absorption of nutrients from the food by slowing down the digestion process. Furthermore, potassium content present in clementine helps in normalizing muscle contraction and relaxation which stimulates better movement of food and waste through their respective routes.

Cardiovascular health: Clementines are good for heart owing to the presence of potassium mineral. Consumption of potassium rich clementines help in normalizing cardiac arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat and also assist in maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure and prevents hypertension. It even reduces the risk of fatal conditions such as stroke.

Electrolyte balance: Clementines are valuable in maintaining the electrolytic balance of the body again attributing to the presence of potassium content.  Eating potassium rich clementines aids in maintaining natural water balance amidst the cells and the body fluids which is extremely critical for the healthy functioning of the entire system.

Cancer: Inclusion of citrus fruits like clementines also helps in fighting various types of cancer. This owes to the presence of anti-cancer components such as vitamin C and powerful bioactive molecules such as limonoids and quercitin. Citrus fruits including clementines also contain pectin which is another component that helps in protecting the body from developing multiple cancers.

Clementine oil for aromatherapy: Clementine oil  is used in aromatherapy owing to its pain relieving and rejuvenating nature. It possesses purifying properties and promotes better and restful sleep. Massage with clementine oil aids in relieving stress, uplifts the mood and enhances mental clarity. However, people with dry or sensitive skin should be cautious while using clementine oil and should consider using additional carrier oil during its topical usage. Essential oils such as clementine oil may also cause phototoxicity and hence one should refrain from direct exposure to the sunlight for a few hours post the application of such oils on the skin.

Apart from the above mentioned benefits, clementines contain choline which is assists in healthy functioning of liver and help prevents the occurrence of liver diseases. As a source of calcium and potassium, clementines help in reducing the risk of dental inflammation and avert tooth loss. Being a low-calorie fruit, clementine makes an excellent supporter during weight loss attempts. Fiber content present in clementines contributes in keeping a check on the cholesterol levels of the body.

Clementines: word of caution

Although clementine fruit is a healthy choice, however citrus fruits like clementines may also cause allergic reactions in some people with its symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Atopic dermatitis, mouth ulcers, lesions on the lips or tongue, tingling inside the mouth area on the inner side of the cheeks are some of the most prevalent indications of clementine allergy. Some people may develop itching or swelling in the throat or digestive troubles like nausea and cramps after eating citrus fruits like clementines. People with known citrus allergy may avoid or be cautious while eating clementines. Other than that, it’s always better to exercise natural vigil while trying something for the first time.

Clementines: Summary

On the whole, clementines are citrus species with momentous nutritional worth and healing potential. They may be quickly peeled and eaten fresh or processed as value-added goods such as juice and essential oils. The quality of being seedless makes clementine a perfect snack for little children. You may eat clementine on its own or add a few clementine segments to your yogurts, salads, oatmeal or other breakfast cereals for a nutritional ‘zing’ factor.

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